Jordan O'Dell

Powerplan Updates

A few Powerplans will be updated on Thursday, December 17th. Several immunization orders are being updated so they will successfully transmit across our immunization interfaces. The following plans will be affected:

  • PICU Traumatic Brain Injury

  • OB/GYN Antepartum Plan

  • OB/GYN Postpartum Vaginal Delivery Plan

  • OB/GYN Cesarean Section Post-Op Plan

The printable instructions will teach you how to save your Powerplans as favorites if needed.


Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances

Beginning January 1, 2021.

HB 2174 requires the electronic prescribing of all controlled substances (CII–CV) beginning January 1, 2021. The law provides for exceptions when a controlled substance is not required to be prescribed electronically, including when electronic prescribing is not available due to temporary technological or electronic failure, as prescribed by board rule; and when necessary elements are not supported (which may be the case with compounded prescriptions today).


The transmission requires two-factor authentication within PowerChart when the prescription is sent. Providers will type in their Cerner password and then interact with an secure one-time password generator app on their phone to meet those requirements. The app can send a push notification for prescription approval to the lock screen or to a wearable (Apple watch) if the notifications are allowed by the user.


Providers who do not already have this functionality OR providers who would like to upgrade to the latest Imprivata app with the push notifications should visit their respective credentialing office. UMC IT has procured enough additional licenses to cover our staff who do not yet have the functionality to send these scripts electronically. The staff there can help you get the new app onto your phone and get it connected to your Active Directory/Cerner account.


                TTU Residents go to the GME Office

TTU Attendings and UMC providers go to the UMC Medical Staff Office located in the Medical Office Plaza II: Code to door is 1234* and the office is located to the left.

                UMCP Providers go to the UMCP Credentialing at City Bank


CareAware Connect Messenger App Update Dec 2, 2020 - Critical Notifications

Apple introduced a feature called Critical Alerts with the release of iOS 12.0. This feature allows applications running on Apple devices to designate notification types as critical. These notifications provide the ability to play a sound and display on the lock screen even if the device is in Do Not Disturb or Silent mode (muted).

With the CareAware Connect CAC.2020W49 release, scheduled for availability on December 2, 2020, CareAware Connect Messenger for iOS is providing an updated version of the app, which includes the Apple Critical Alerts feature. This feature will be used for all CareAware Connect Messenger critical alert notifications. In the future, this feature will also extend to new urgent message notification types.

Impact Details
Your workflow may be affected. When you open the updated version of CareAware Connect Messenger for iOS for the first time, you will be prompted to grant permission to allow critical notifications in CareAware Connect Messenger to override the Do Not Disturb and Silent mode on the device. If you select Allow on the message prompt, critical alert notifications will override Do Not Disturb and Silent mode on the device. If you select Don't Allow, critical alerts will continue to be delivered silently as they are today. See Understand Alert Notifications in CareAware Connect Messenger for further information.

Note: This feature does not apply to the CareAware Connect Messenger Do Not Disturb status. If
you set your status to Do Not Disturb in CareAware Connect Messenger, critical notifications will
continue to follow their defined escalation path as they currently do today.


Updated Chemistry Lab Specimen Requirements on Barcode Labels

Effective November 18, 2020, new specimen requirements for general chemistry laboratory testing will appear on the laboratory barcode labels. The new requirements are GrLi/Gld or GoldOnly.

GrLi/Gld means the test can be collected in either a green lithium heparin tube or a gold top.

GoldOnly means the test can only be collected in a gold top.

Example of Labels

Example of Labels

All other specimen tube collection requirements will remain the same on the label.

WHY:  Drawing in a green lithium heparin will improve turnaround times for general chemistry testing because it eliminates the need, and time for the blood to clot.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 775-8762.


Recommendations: Easy Buttons

We have begun rolling out “Easy Buttons” to allow providers to quickly chart a PowerForm from Recommendations. Easy buttons were hand-picked to appear on the landing page of Recommendations as an order. When the order is placed, it immediately launches a specific PowerForm to quickly chart an activity/recommendation. This feature helps providers quickly find what they need instead of browsing through a list of possible actions to take on a recommendation.

table easy button.jpg

Easy Buttons will appear as an order prefixed with the word “Document” to indicate the action to perform.

screenshot easy button.png


New COVID-19 Attestation AutoText Available

As of October 29, 2020, there are two new autotexts for COVID-19. This notification is for all members of the medical staff performing outpatient surgeries and procedures. The following 2 AutoText attestations are now available within Cerner PowerChart documentation:

Medically Necessary

This surgery or procedure is deemed medically necessary to diagnose or correct a serious medical condition, or to t preserve the life of a patient who without timely care would be at risk for serious adverse medical consequences.”


Elective Cases

This surgery (or procedure) is being performed in accordance with the commonly accepted standard of clinical practice, and will not deplete any hospital capacity to cope with the COVID-19 disaster.


The above provider documentation attestations are meant to provide efficiency in producing documentation consistent with the requirements outlined in Executive Order GA 31 by The Governor of The State of Texas.


Powerchart Touch

An application update happened on September 30th, 2020. The look and feel of the application have changed, functionality is the same. Powerchart Touch is now available on android. The native Android dictation clients should not be utilized within Powerchart Touch. The native dictation client on Android phones does not have a medical dictionary, so there would be many errors the end user would need to fix. The dictation client is not as secure as Dragon Embedded. Dragon Embedded will be coming to the Android app sometime in Q4 2020.

Schedule: Select the word ‘Schedule’ to switch to a patient list or to search for a patient.

pc touch 1.jpg

Menu Options within the Patient’s Chart: Select the drop down to see the navigation menu within Powerchart Touch.

pc touch 2.jpg

Dragon Icon Update: Anywhere you see the small dragon icon, you can use dragon to dictate. Nuance has changed the color of the dragon microphone you select to start recording to a blue microphone. If you are using an Android phone, you will not have Dragon embedded until December 2020.

pc touch 3.jpg

Additional Information: Select the three lines in the top left corner to switch to the Orders or Document view. This is also where you could log out.

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If using an Adroid for powerChart Touch, you should not use the native Android dictation services. These are not as secure as dragon embedded and does utilize services on the phone. There is no medical dictionary and because of this, there would be much editing that would need to be done.


Influenza Screening Process updated for Inpatient and Cancer Center

All changes listed below will be made on the dates stated.

1.)  Influenza Vaccine Status –  (Policy PC-30.8)The influenza vaccine screening assessment has been added to the Admit Referrals form.  This assessment will open for all patients.

Flu 1.png

·If the influenza vaccine has been administered and documented at UMC, a UMCP or TTU clinic, then that will show in the box on the upper right-hand corner. 

·If “No” is documented and the patient does not decline nor has a contraindication, then an influenza vaccine order will be placed on the chart under Dr. Ragain’s name as a Standing Delegation order.

·If “Unknown” is documented, then the nurse should contact the Attending Provider and inquire if they would like for the patient to receive the vaccine.  A task will fire to the task list to document this communication.

·If the influenza vaccine has been administered, but not at UMC or a UMCP or TTU clinic, then the vaccine should be added to the Immunization Schedule. See the screenshots below on steps to add and immunization to the Immunization Schedule.

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Flu 4.png
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flu 6.png

Inpatient Endoscopy Procedure Plan

Go-live is September 14, 2020. 


Request received to add the “Schedule Endoscopy Procedure” order to the plan. This order is the actual scheduling order that sends to the schedulers and gets the patient a date and time for their procedure.

The singular “Schedule Endoscopy Procedure” order is now the first phase in the powerplan, this phase is prechecked and required meaning it must be completed. 

The phase will initiate as soon as the provider signs the plan. The rest of the plan works exactly as it does currently.


New Autotexts for COVID and Goals of Care

New Autotexts Coming Wednesday August 26th


WHAT is the change: A new Autotext has been created called:      ;covid_CMS


WHO does this impact: Providers documenting assessment on COVID patients

WHY is this change being made: consult and specialty providers evaluating COVID patients may rely on the physical assessment of attending providers and team. This is an acceptable practice. Please use the language above to indicate compliance with CMS guidelines during COVID-19 public health crisis.

Goals of Care

WHAT is the change: A new autotext called ;goalsofcare  Goals of Care Family and Goals of Care Patient autotext will be simplified and combined into one.  This new autotext will have a dropdown list where you can choose either patient, family, or patient/family.

The existing ;goalsofcarefamily and ;goalsofcarepatient Autotexts will be deleted.

Goals of Care.jpg

WHO does this impact: Providers documenting goals of care.  Any provider who has the ;goalsofcarefamily or ;goalsofcarepatient saved as a personal autotext.

WHY is this change being made: There is a trend in mortality where Goals of Care should have been discussed sooner, and Goals of Care are not well documented. The current auto text after review was regarded as lengthy, cumbersome, and not well disseminated with the provider team. Recommendation to simplify and re-educate existing autotext.

Important:  If you had previously copied the Goals of care Family or Goals of Care Patient public autotext to use as a personal autotext, you will need to delete those as this change will not update any of your personal autotext.


Send Blood Orders Instructions

A free text field titled Special Instructions is now available for use for all Send Blood orders:

  • ·         BB Send Blood Product for pts 25 kg or GREATER

  • ·         BB send blood Product for pts LESS than 25 kg 

  • ·         NICU BB Send Blood Product

Blood Order.jpg

This field can be used to enter a location if the blood should be sent to a different location than the admit location.

For questions, contact: Kendra Schneider at
