Blood Culture Bottle Shortage Restrictions and Recommendations

Effective immediately

Go-live to stop the 2nd blood culture orders is July 22, 2024.

We are experiencing an ongoing national and critical shortage of all Blood Culture Bottles (Pedi & Adult) that is anticipated to last through the end of 2024. Our supplier has asked that we reduce utilization by 50%. Restrictions to ordering processes are vital to ensure we do not exhaust our blood culture bottle supply.


  • *Blood Culture collections are restricted to 1 set (1 anaerobic and 1 lytic), in place of 2 sets.

  • *Hard stop for all Blood Cultures ordered within 48 hours of a prior culture.

  • *No future orders for all Blood Cultures


  • Prevent contaminations and thoroughly disinfect & ensure proper fill volumes are collected

    • UMC is well poised for this bc our contamination rate is extremely low, regularly <2%

    • Phlebotomists and Nurses who collect blood are cultures are well trained and demonstrate a very high competence in blood culture drawing techniques

  • Blood Culture bottle fill volumes are evaluated monthly and all areas are compliant with appropriate fill volumes, which drastically reduces false negative cultures

  • Body fluids other than blood should NOT be placed in blood culture bottles for culture

  • Peripheral collections are strongly encouraged – Only draw from a line if you are trying to determine if the line is infected

  • Do NOT collect blood cultures before an order is placed

  • Do NOT discard a bottle to ‘try again’ and get a better fill

  • In addition, blood cultures are NOT recommended in the following scenarios:

    • Patient with elevated WBC & no other signs/symptoms of sepsis

    • Patient with fever but no chills, leukocytosis or other signs of sepsis

    • Stable patient with prosthetic joint infection

    • Stable patient with post operative infection, planned for I&D w/OR cultures

    • Patient with repeatedly negative blood cultures in past week

    • Patient with UTI infection

    • Patient with non-severe pneumonia

    • Patient with non-severe cellulitis

    • Daily cultures to document blood stream infection clearance

For special circumstances or requests, please call:

Marisol Martinez, Clinical Laboratory Director @ 806-775-8399 or

Jayton Zachary, Clinical Laboratory Asst. Director @ 806-775-8381 or

The Microbiology Department @ 806-775-8375

*IT Tickets have been placed for these changes to be implemented as soon as possible

Dietary Supplement for Stage 3 & 4 Pressure Injuries

Estimated Go-Live Date: July 24, 2024

Juven is a therapeutic dietary supplement that supports wound healing. National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) guidelines recommend providing additional nutrients (i.e., arginine, glutamine, HMB, multi-vitamin) for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries as a standard of care.

A dietary supplement order for for Juven BID will be added to the Stage 3 & 4 Pressure Injury Standing Delegation Order which is initiated on patients with Stage 3 or 4 pressure injuries by nursing staff.

Juven is mixed with water or juice for oral administration. Can be mixed with soft foods (i.e., applesauce or ice cream) for patients with fluid restriction concerns or patient preference. Ability to administer via feeding tube as well.

Scan QR code to learn more about Juven.

For reference material or any questions/concerns, contact:

Hanna Cunningham MSN, RN, CWOCN

Wound Care & Ostomy Services Supervisor


Influenza Vaccination Update

Go-Live: August 1, 2024

The 2024-25 flu vaccine is moving from a quadrivalent to a trivalent immunization.  To consolidate and ensure proper ordering and documentation, all influenza orders will only be available in a new care set called "Vaccinations Influenza w/chg".  The new set will be available beginning 8/1/2024.  You will no longer find influenza vaccines in the age-specific vaccination care sets.