Powerchart Touch

An application update happened on September 30th, 2020. The look and feel of the application have changed, functionality is the same. Powerchart Touch is now available on android. The native Android dictation clients should not be utilized within Powerchart Touch. The native dictation client on Android phones does not have a medical dictionary, so there would be many errors the end user would need to fix. The dictation client is not as secure as Dragon Embedded. Dragon Embedded will be coming to the Android app sometime in Q4 2020.

Schedule: Select the word ‘Schedule’ to switch to a patient list or to search for a patient.

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Menu Options within the Patient’s Chart: Select the drop down to see the navigation menu within Powerchart Touch.

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Dragon Icon Update: Anywhere you see the small dragon icon, you can use dragon to dictate. Nuance has changed the color of the dragon microphone you select to start recording to a blue microphone. If you are using an Android phone, you will not have Dragon embedded until December 2020.

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Additional Information: Select the three lines in the top left corner to switch to the Orders or Document view. This is also where you could log out.

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If using an Adroid for powerChart Touch, you should not use the native Android dictation services. These are not as secure as dragon embedded and does utilize services on the phone. There is no medical dictionary and because of this, there would be much editing that would need to be done.
