Quality Measures

Starting October 1st you will notice a new component on your Inpatient Summary called Quality Measures.  The two Quality Measures we are currently monitoring via this electronic system are VTE and Stroke.  You can order required tests/medications from this component or document contraindications.  The component updates automatically as you order these items outside the component as well.  Nursing documentation of interventions and other items will also update the component. 



Some items can only be addressed by the physician such as contraindications to required interventions.  We ask that as you are reviewing your patient’s Inpatient Summary that if you see outstanding items, you help address them as appropriate.  Outstanding items will be under the ‘Incomplete’ column.  Further education on each component will be coming in October and November.

 Example:  Patient diagnosed with stroke is being discharged and you have decided not to discharge them on an antithrombotic.  You can click on the ‘Document’ under Contraindication and chart why it is not applicable and sign off the form.