
Issue:Citrix Receiver Update for iOS Devices

iOS Device Updates for the Citrix Receiver v7.2.2 is not recommended at this time.  The device update is causing error alerts and not allowing end users to log in to PowerChart and other applications.  This is not related to PowerChart touch and does not seem to be impacting Android devices at this time.


If you take this update on your iPhone/iPad/iOS devices...



You run the risk of receiving the following errors and not be able to use any mobile applications through the CITRIX RECEIVER,


Potential Temporary Solution if you have already taken the upgrade:

Go to the Apple APP STORE and download "R1". This is the older version of the receiver and will allow you to use PowerChart. There will be no need to delete the 7.2.2 version as we want you to have it when the issue is resolved.



Link for Initial Citrix Setup: