Ambulatory Influenza Screening

The reason this document was created is because we have many patients that receive their flu vaccine outside our system and we have not captured this information well in the past.   The flu vaccine is a measure that is tracked.  An example of the workflow,

During intake,

Ask the patient if they would like a flu shot.  If yes then order and complete your normal workflow

If the patient states NO, please complete this new form in the intake section

If the patient had one outside our system document that through the immunization workflow (screenshot in attachment)

For Specialty areas that do not give the flu shot, we still need your help to capture flu vaccines that have been given outside the practice.  Please ask your patients if they had the flu shot and if it is outside our system please document in the immunization workflow.  If they state they are going to refuse the vaccine, you can chart this in the intake form as well. 

Please contact the TTP Performance Improvement group for further questions.



In order to aid the ambulatory locations in documenting and tracking influenza vaccines, a new section has been added to the ambulatory intake PowerForms.

The fields are not required, but it is an expectation that this section is addressed, especially during the influenza season.

There are two fields to fill out, if applicable; in the event the patient has not had the vaccine, whether it was because they declined it or the vaccine was not available.

Provided also is a field that displays the influenza vaccines previously documented in the Cerner PowerChart system.

Please make sure to adhere to your department’s policy regarding addressing the patient's need for the vaccine, ordering of vaccine, and documentation of the vaccine (historical or otherwise) in the Immunization Profile tool in PowerChart.

Click HERE for Printable Tutorial