Searching for Clinic Pools in Message Center Address Book

All users that use the Pool radial button in the Message Center Address Book to communicate a General Message or Reminder in PowerChart, FirstNet, or SurgiNet will have to search for the pool name to find who they intend to send to. We are no longer able to immediately display Pools because we have a reach a limit that is allowed to show without searching in the “Type a name or select from list:” field.

General Steps most Users Follow to Communicate with a Pool

  1. Click Communicate Button  on the toolbar

    • Alternate options - Choose General Message or Reminder from the Communicate dropdown list

  2. Click Binoculars icon  next to the “To:” or “CC:” field

    • Address Book will open to display the Internal Address Book

  3. Click the Pool radial button

    • The internal Pool address book will be blank which is an expected outcome

4. Type or Search for the specific clinic pool you want to communicate with

  • General terms to use to quickly find specific pools

o   UMC

o   UMCP

o   TTU

o   TTP

o   SON

o   EXT

o   DERM

  • Users can input the asterisk symbol to display all possible clinic pools, if needed.

5. Once the desired clinic pool is displayed, the user can choose that pool to communicate with.