Cerner Maintenance Event Tuesday, July 20, from 8:00pm – 10:00pm

During this time, Cerner will be available. There will NOT be a downtime; however, there will be brief interruptions in service during the following time periods:

8:00pm – 10:00pm


Document Viewing

o   Document viewing via Clinical Notes, PowerNotes, DynDoc, PowerForms, etc. may be affected

o You will continue to be able to create/document PowerNotes, DynDoc, PowerForms, etc. as normal

o   Camera Capture and e-Signature will be impacted

 Document Scanning

o   Single document scanning will not be available

o   Batch scanning will not be available

o   Camera Capture, e-Signature, Report Request, Manual Expedites, Multimedia Manager, and Images for Access Management Office will not available

 You may be prompted to log out at least once during this event.  If you receive this notice, then please log out.  You will be able to log right back in without issue.

 With the system being available during the maintenance event, there is a potential for issues to occur.

 If you experience any issues, please call the IT Helpdesk at 59109.