
Rhogam Process Implementation

Per decisions made in the OB Collaborative:

There will be a new RhoGAM process implemented on Wednesday, October 3rd around 0900 (inpatient only). 

When a mother has a documented delivery on the active visit (encounter) and her blood type is negative, an order for the RhoGAM workup will be placed automatically if no RhoGAM workup exist. Once the blood bank completes their workup and determines the mother is to receive a RhoGAM injection, the blood bank will then receive an order to send the RhoGAM to the floor.

As a final step, at the time of delivery and mom has a positive Rh factor and there is an active RhoGAM workup order, the system will cancel the RhoGAM workup order.

This process will not replace existing workflows such as ordering the type and screen and RhoGAM workup at the same time but will help to place orders when orders are not present.

Always double-check that a mother receives/doesn't receive RhoGAM injections as appropriate.


For questions regarding this process, please call FBC or UMC Clinical IT