general admit powerplans

Admission PowerPlan: Oncology Patient

When admitting a patient for Oncology (typically 4E) we must use the ONC General Inpatient Plan. You can find this plan by searching the word General just like you would the General Medicine Plan.

Once in the plan you will notice several differences that is important to oncology patient care. In Patient Care you have the Access Implanted Port, and Perform Neurological Checks.

In the ONC General Inpatient Plan there is also a medication section. This section includes biotene mouthwash, lidocain-prilocains topical (lidocaine-prilocain 25%), and heparin flush.

The final difference in the plan is under Consult MD. You will see in this field a required order, Consult MD. This allows you to choose to choose what service to notify. You can notify either Oncology or Hematology.