
Adult Outpatient Surgery Plan Update

In an effort to align with hospital policy regarding renal dosing for enoxaparin (Lovenox), we updated the Adult Outpatient Surgery plan and subsequently destroyed any physician favorite plan that contained the affected enoxaparin order. 

This was a patient safety change that was put into policy over a year ago.  The changes to all other plans were made many months ago, but it was recently brought to our attention that the Adult Outpatient Surgery plan had been missed with that round of changes.   

We apologize for any issues this may have caused with staff and providers.  Let us know if you have any questions or need more information on what was changed.

~UMC Clinical Informatics

Coming Soon: Sepsis Plan

Coming soon, a new Sepsis Plan will become available. You will notice within the plan, the Antimircrobial Therapies available for use, based on Sepsis Source.

Each of these is a sub-phase that can be ordered by itself, or within the plan. Antibiotics and guidelines for use can be found once the sub-phase is opened.

PowerPlans: Intubation and EC OR Changes

There are several upcoming changes to PowerPlans already in the system, as well as several new PowerPlans being released:


Two new plans will be available for use for patients going from the EC to OR then being discharged.  These plans only have the PACU phase, the OPS phase II, and the discharge orders.

  1. EC OR Adult Outpatient Surgery Plan
  2. EC OR Pediatric Outpatient Surgery Plan