Some providers have experienced difficulty when trying to type a line break (hit the ENTER/RETURN key) into the “other” box that populates when clicking on the “other” term such as in the example below. The issue being that when you press ENTER to start a new paragraph or line, it will close the box and return to this screen.
This is an easy fix and has to do with a preference in the customize tool of the Powernote.
It's easy enough to fix yourself, but as always if you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to call any other ther Help desks for assistance.
TO FIX: While in the “Add Powernote” screen, click on the "View" button in your toolbar at the top of the screen and choose "Customize."
Now click on the "More" tab and change the drop down on the "What box ENTER behavior" to “create new line” (see below). A "what box" is the Cerner lingo for the "Other" field that we use for freetext documentation in PowerChart. Now you will have the ability to add new lines when you hit the ENTER key instead of closing the box.
Please Note: This behavior will now apply to all templates where an “other” box appears.