Outpatient Anticipated Nerve Block Workflow


The Outpatient Anticipated Nerve Block Workflow is a new workflow designed to facilitate communication to Anesthesia about patients needing pre-op blocks in SASU

Key Points/Process:

1) The Outpatient Surgery Plan Scheduling Form has the option of “Single Shot Nerve Block”, "Continuous Nerve Block,” or “None” for anticipated nerve blocks

2) This updated field will automatically place a Consult order called Consult Anesthesia for Nerve Block on the surgery encounter when it is created by scheduling

3) The attending may see the order in their inbox for co-signature

Note: If the plan for the block changes, physicians will need to find the order on the surgery encounter under Consults and cancel or modify the order determining what the change will be

4) Patients with active Consult Anesthesiology for Nerve Block orders on their surgery encounters will show on a report for OR Staff. They are then added to the Anesthesia Nerve Block tracking board

5) Anesthesia uses this tracking board to facilitate administrations of the blocks for that day