COVID-19 Power Plan

COVID-19 (Corona Virus) PowerPlan Education



Testing for COVID-19 will be approved by identified Medical Staff leaders:  Drs. Mike Ragain, Brian Payne, Craig Barker, Richard Winn, Jacob Nichols, Christopher Crist, Allan Haynes & Christopher Piel.  

Providers will refer to the AMiON call schedule:  COVID-19 Testing Approval Group 

These MD leaders will then notify the patient placement center and Infection prevention and control of the approved test.

**A phone call MUST be placed to the MD leader on call prior to placing this PowerPlan**

COVID-19 testing can be ordered from the inpatient encounter by searching “COVID” or “Corona” and clicking on the PowerPlan.

When the PowerPlan is signed, you will receive a “review provider” popup.   If you type in a provider that is not one of the MD Leaders to review this plan…. You will receive the message below.

If you choose an appropriate MD leader, you will not get the pop up and you will be able to click “ok”.    This will route to the MD leader’s message center for review

The PowerPlan will now show “initiated – review required” and “additional review required”.   These orders will not be active until the MD Leader has accepted the plan.

If the provider rejects the PowerPlan, the plan will read as “initiated rejected” and “Review rejected”.

Once the MD Leader has “approved or rejected” you will be able to see the status under “notify receipts”

Click here for Printable Instructions