
Drug-Diagnosis Contraindication Alert

In order to improve the safety of our electronic health record and to adhere to recommended Leapfrog guidelines, it has been determined that an alert will be turned on this week for Drug-Diagnosis contraindication. This alert will fire when a medication is added to the scratchpad (you write an order for a medication) of a patient’s chart that is contraindicated with a documented problem/diagnosis that the patient has. The list of these contraindications have been approved by the IT Pharmacist as well as Medication Clinical Decision Support (mCDS) committee Chair (Dr. Payne).

This alert was approved in November Use and Standards committee. This will impact both the inpatient as well as the outpatient settings.

If you find that your patient's problem list is not reflective of their current state (i.e., alert states drug contraindication with kidney failure, kidney failure on problem list, but patient no longer has active kidney failure), please promptly update the problem list so that it will be correct and no longer fire alert notifications. Again, if the problem list is inaccurate and you do not reconcile the problem list the alert will continue to fire.

Discharge Med Reconciliation - Enabling Functionality for IVPBs

Discharge Med Reconciliation - Enabling Functionality for IVPBs

  1. Providers may converst single ingredient intermittent medication orders to prescriptions
  2. These prescriptins will show in the Medication List
  3. Because these are now prescription orders, they are abe to be included in Summary of Care Records

***Continuous infusion orders cannot be converted to prescriptions in discharge medication reconciliation

Scheduled for conversion 9.6.17

Drug-Allergy Alerts: Review and Suppress for Encounter

Coming July 12th

Drug-Allergy Alerts:  Review and Suppress for Encounter

Approved in March 2017 Use and Standards.

Functionality: Will allow providers to filter an allergy alert for themselves only for a specific patient for the duration of the patient’s encounter. Providers and IT personnel will have the ability to remove filtering.

**Note: All allergy alerts that have been filtered will be reviewed by mCDS committee.

How to filter the allergy alert:

1)      Select ‘Review & Suppress for Encounter’ as an Override Reason on the alert

2)      Select ‘Continue’

How to remove filtering:

1)      Select ‘Check Interactions’ at the top of the patient’s Order Profile

2)      A red sphere appears to the left of all orders with interactions. Find the drug allergy in question and click to view all interactions for the order

3)      Under Provider Filtered Alerts, check the box under ‘Unfilter’

4)      Select Continue

'Pharmacy to Dose' order sentences in the EC

To help insure patients that are held in the Emergency Center for extended periods of time are receiving all doses of meds new order sentences have been initiated. 'Pharmacy to Dose' order sentences are viewable on certain meds in the EC. One Time doses are displayed first. Pharmacy to Dose are at the bottom and are separated (see examples below). For more information or questions contact your pharmacist.


Admission Medication Reconciliation Alert

A minor change will be made to the Admission Med Rec Alert.  The alert will look and function the same however it will now only fire when the medication history has been completed and the admission reconciliation or the discharge reconciliation has not been addressed by a provider.  This will allow for an alert to the provider with more complete and accurate information.