Patient Portal

Coming Soon: Open Notes

The OpenNotes initiative encourages provider note availability to patients through means such as the patient portal. All patients have the right to read these notes already but must access this information through the health record request process which takes time, may cost the patient money, and many patients may not even know about.

OpenNotes encourages health systems and clinicians to make notes automatically available to patients in order to avoid these issues for the patient as well as improve things such as patient engagement in their own care, the efficiency of care and patient-physician communication. They call this "transparency".

Starting on August 1st, 2016 all “office/clinic” note types will be published to MyTeamCare (our patient portal). This decision was made after seeing success stories at many other major health systems across the country and our own desire to improve patient engagement and access to their health information. Input from multiple clinicians from multiple specialties and practice types was considered and the decision was approved by the EHR Use & Standards Committee and Med Executive Committees.

Here are some additional details to our OpenNotes plan:

  1. This will only apply to “office/clinic” notes. Not hospital notes, op notes, messages to nurses, etc.
  2.  This will be proactive only – NOT retroactive. Notes signed prior to August 1st will not be published to MyTeamCare. But be aware, a patient can request any of their medical records at anytime just by simply going to Medical Records department.
  3. The notes will be published to MyTeamCare 72 hours after the note is signed by a clinician – this includes resident notes that have yet to be cosigned by an attending. We have no way to limit this to attendings only.
  4. Any updates made to the note in the EHR after publishing will also be updated to MyTeamCare.
  5. Education and information for both clinicians and patients will be coming in the next weeks in preparation for the OpenNotes kickoff.

Many sites have benefitted from OpenNotes including MD Anderson, Geisinger, Kaiser Permanente, Ochnser and many more.

Please feel free to look at for more information

Also, here is a video from that site that presents OpenNotes from the view of both clinicians and patients.