Use and Standards Committee has approved the changing of Standing Delegation PowerPlan titles to include “SDO” and the physician name. For example: “Rapid Response Plan” will become “Rapid Response SDO- Dr. Alalawi”. This will ensue that the nurse knows the correct communication type and the correct physician name to place the orders under. Performance Improvement has confirmed that the following physician signatures are on file for the corresponding plans and therefore will be updated with new titles:
1. Wound Care SDO- Dr. Griswold
2. Rapid Response SDO- Dr. Alalawi
3. Newborn Nursery SDO- Dr. Robinson
4. NS PowerPlan SDO- Dr. Ragain
5. Anesthesia Pre-Op Screening SDO-Dr. Johnson
6. Sane Examination SDO-Dr. Piel (EC use only)
7. Physical Therapy Topical SDO-Dr. Griswold
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